Greetings from Father Mario


Dear Members of the Mother Angeline Society,

I am happy to greet you in this New Year of 2024. I pray that you are well, and that the New Year has begun well for you. As members of the Mother Angeline Society, you are important to us, and your prayerful and financial support of the Cause for the Beatification and Canonization of Venerable Mary Angeline Teresa, O.Carm. is invaluable in this entire process. You and your intentions are remembered in two Masses each month and in the daily prayers of the Carmelite Sisters. We truly count on you to help us in making Mother Angeline better known within the Church community.

On Mother Angeline’s 40th Anniversary of death, January 21, 2024, the Sunday of the Word of God, Pope Francis announced a Year of Prayer in preparation for the 2025 Jubilee in Rome, which bears the title and theme that the Church consists of Pilgrims of Hope. As baptized Christians, we each have a place in not just the life of the Church, but also the mission and ministry of the Church. Each jubilee celebrates an anniversary of the redemption won by Christ through His life, death, and resurrection. This Jubilee Year means to renew us – and in our world today with all of its struggles and darkness – in the reality that Christian Catholics singly and together, need to be pilgrims and proclaimers of hope. Mother Angeline often went to Rome for Jubilee years, and she certainly would enter into the theme of hope, that virtue which is a gift of God and enables us trust God and believe that he will give us the grace and strength we need to attain eternal life and fulfill His plan for us. The Venerable’s life and ministry breathed hope and she was able to inspire and lift up those around her with that spirit, enabling them to serve the aged and infirm with compassion and hope. Let us make beneficial use of this year of prayer. Thank you for your ongoing financial and spiritual support of the mission of the Mother Angeline Society that seeks to make the Venerable better known, and to advance her Cause in the Church. With holy hope, may we continue to light up the world with Christ. We seek the support of her prayers, and her companionship as pilgrims of hope. God bless you and may Our Lady watch over you always

In Christ,
Very Reverend Mario Esposito, O.Carm.
Vice Postulator

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